Once Again – Welcome to the Proud 16th Masonic District, part of the
The Most Worshipful Grand Lodge
of Free & Accepted Masons of Florida
Welcome to the Masters & Wardens Association of the Proud 16th Masonic District, Grand Lodge of Florida.
The Masters and Wardens Association is comprised of 12 particular Lodges and one Memorial Lodge in Central Florida. Its primary purpose is to provide a focal point for the leadership of these Lodges to come together to discuss and promote growth and fellowship within our Masonic Brotherhood.
Each Lodge has a voice, and the votes of the principal officers govern the association. The group is presided over by a President, Vice-President, Secretary and Treasurer, together with a Board of Directors. Every Mason in our district is encouraged to attend and become involved in the proceedings and activities of the Proud 16th Masonic District.
Please note for site visitors that are not Master Masons, that all members of the Proud 16th Masonic District are Freemasons. If you are interested in becoming a Freemason – Click HERE for more info.

Getting Started & Getting Involved
Every Master Mason in this district’s jurisdiction is eligible to become a member.
Annual dues are $10.00 for either Associate or Active members. Meetings are usually scheduled for the first Saturday of every month (except December) at a different Lodge, with a full breakfast and meeting accommodation provided for all in attendance. If you are a Master Mason in good standing who wishes to join the organization, please contact us.
Our district hosts special events such as:
- District Golf Tournaments
- Outdoor ‘Island’ Degree
- St John’s Day Celebration
- Monthly Meetings
- Open Books / School of Instruction
- Memorial Lodge Called Communication
- Education Presentations
- Grand Master Official Visit to the 16th District